News comment #4

For this weeks weekly news comment I have decided on an article that talks about the animals left behind in the California wildfire. I feel like this story is news worthy because the California wildfire is a big that has been in the news recently. This article lets readers become informed on not only what happened to the animals left behind but also tells readers what else is happening because of the fire.

One thing that I would critique about the article is that in the beginning the author does not say much about the animals, they talk a lot about what has happened and other things that are being affected by the fires. I feel like they should inform readers about whats happening but I think for this article the animals should be the main focus.

The audience of this article is anyone that has been following the California wildfire, anyone that lives in that area, and anyone that has been affected by this fire.

I feel like the lead is effective because the author gets his point across and is able to inform readers on what has happened to the animals and how people are trying to help those animals survive. I don’t think anything is missing from this article and the only thing I would change would be to start off talking about the animals more.

Lead practice story

As of yesterday Iowa Highway patrol has ordered a ban of hand-held radar guns in Des Moines, Iowa.

The reason for this ban is because there is a concern that troopers could develop cancer from longterm exposure to the radiation waves emitted by the device. With this ban, there will be seventy radar guns that will be withdrawn from services. Because of the withdrawal, police officers will be using the radars that will be mounted on the outside of their cruisers.

The spokesman from the Iowa Highway patrol,  Adam Berluti said, “The feeling here is to err on the side of caution until more is known about the issue, and that the whole situation is under review.”

Last person I had a conversation with

The last person that I had conversation with was one of my friends in my last class. She is a shorter girl with long curly hair that was in a pony tail today. She was wearing shorts and a sweat shirt with nike shoes. Our conversation was about our first test in that class that is next Tuesday. We talked about how we were nervous and that the teacher made us nervous as well. Before we separated I asked her what she does after this and she told me she had nothing because she was done for the day.

Weekly News Comment #3

For this weeks weekly news comment I chose an article that was about Serena and Venus Williams tennis match at the U.S. Open. I feel like this article is news worthy because there are many people that are interested in the U.S. Open, and the fact that the Williams sisters played against each other made more people interested. I feel like people would be interested in this article because Serena Williams is very popular when it comes to tennis and many people know about her and how good she is. The only critique that I would have for this article is that the author wrote a lot about past events and it took awhile to get into the information about the  match between the two sisters. I feel like if the author would have eliminated some of the past things it have made it better.

The audience for this article would be anyone that is either interested in tennis, the U.S. Open, or Serena and Venus Williams. I feel like the lead was effective because the author was able to get his point across. They were able to do that by adding quotes from both sisters and I thought it was good that they added the scores of all of the matches between the two athletes. I do not think that there is anything missing, and the only thing that I would have changed was take some of the past events out. I liked the information on how many times the sisters have played against each other, but some of the other things could have been eliminated.

Weekly News Comment #2

The article that I chose to read this week was called, “Why Students With Smallest Debts Have the Larger Problem.” I feel like this article was very newsworthy because it talked about something that I think a lot of college students would be interested in reading. It talks about how students that take out more money in loans are less likely to default compared to students that barrow less money. I feel like this article was really easy to read and understand, but one critique that I have is that the author added a lot of data and percentages, which is a good thing, but I feel like they could have spread them out more and maybe gotten rid of some. There just seemed to be a lot of numbers in a row, so it got a little confusing at times.

I would say that the audience of this article would be college students. When looking for an article to read this one stood out to me because like other college students debts is a scary and nervous thing to think about. I feel like the lead was effective because they got their point across and they were very informative. The only thing that I would do differently would be to spread the percentages and numbers out a bit, just to clear things up.

Welcome to Morningside

Alyssa Nhring is a sophomore here at Morningside college and she is a arts administration major with a photography emphasis. She would like to be a sports photographer and take pictures of sports teams. She wants to live in a big city when she is older and would think it would be fun to work for the NFL. She is from Humble Iowa and is nineteen years old.

Alyssa is on the swim team here at Morningside, she has been swimming since she can remember and plans on continuing for as long as she can. Outside of school and swimming Alyssa likes to paint and hang out with her friends. She loves Disney movies and she likes to watch old episodes of Friends and How I Met Your Mother.At home Alyssa has a little sister and a dog named Fin.

An interesting fact about Aylssa is that when she was younger she had a kidney disease that led her to having one kidney that functions at 3% and the other at 97%. Because of this she likes to tell people that she only has one kidney.  


When I think of objectivity I think of it as reporters writing about what they have to write about. They do not show favoritism or write about their beliefs or feelings.

I think you should be objective because not everyone is going to agree on what you write. If you are writing the truth there is always going to be someone that disagrees or does not like what you have to say.

I feel like you do this by using certain types of words in your writing and sticking by what you write.

Is Journalism Obsolete?

In the article “Is Journalism as we know it becoming obsolete?” by Mathew Ingram, it talks about how there are many different views on the definition of journalism today. The programmer Dave Winer argued that, “journalism itself is becoming obsolete because now anyone can do it.” I agree with this statement because with todays technology anyone can share news over the web. For example; a lot of people use their Twitter or Facebook accounts to find or even tell information and news. By using social media news travels a lot faster and people can already get most of the story before it airs.

I would not say that journalism is becoming obsolete just because others are able to get stories out right when they happen. I also agree with the statement from the article, “Instead of saying journalism is obsolete, I would rather say it as evolving and expanding.” I fell that social media such as Twitter and Facebook could help journalism in away. There are a lot of accounts such as CNN, The New York Times, ABC, and other big name news companies that have a twitter account. By having these accounts I feel like they are able to get stories out to people easier because they’re are so many people that use the internet to receive news information. This way people can get to major stories and hear them from a journalist themselves.

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