A United Airlines jet plowed through homes south of Townsville. It has been reported that 42 bodies had been found dead.

Friday afternoon, 61 persons aboard the plane crashed while approaching Townsville’s Midway Airport. The National Transportation Safety Board in Washington immediately dispatched an investigating team to Townsville.

Curtis Vokamer, deputy fire marshall, said his crew found most of the 55 passengers dead in the debris of the Boeing 737. Holy Cross Hospital reported 16 persons, including the plane’s three flight attendants, were admitted with injuries.

The Cook County Coroner reported 42 bodies had been found. One of the victims identified was Rep. George W. Collins, D-III., was returning from Washington to “organize a children’s Christmas party.”

A United spokesman said, “The plane, Flight 553, was due at Midway at 2:30 p.m. CST. The plane was approaching the airport with a 500-foot ceiling and a one-mile visibility.” The plane’s final destination was Omaha, NE.