Oct 09 2012

This I Believe

Published by at 4:26 PM under Comm 300

Nothing is more alluring to a Latin woman then a Spanish-speaking white male. I had proven this fact in several quaint Baja towns and after leaving El Farallon that night was proving it again. Prior to heading to my place, we stopped in for a quick bite at a popular Mexican restaurant I frequented. Similar to La Juanita’s here in Sioux City it had great authentic food, but you didn’t want to be there after dark. I was a regular though, so I gave it little thought.

While we sat there enjoying each other’s company a young chunti approached. His eyes were glossed and immediately I could tell he was zooted. He asked if we could talk in the bathroom. I assumed he was angry at the fact a guero had stolen one of their own. But I was a young brash Marine fresh out of MCMAP training and he was coked-out. What did I have to lose?

Reassuring my companion that I’d return shortly, I obliged and followed him in. I wasn’t surprised when he asked if I’d like to buy cocaine and simply smiled, refused, and excused myself.  Yet to my surprise and dismay a nearby stall opened and four other chuntis emerged. My heart raced and limbs shook as the cold steel I felt beneath my chin began choking me. I recall the feeling as one tried to remove my watch and others began searching my pockets. “Fuck it,” I thought – “if I’m going to die then I’m going out swinging.”

I clenched my fists. Yet just as quickly felt the snap of the trigger in my throat. I wasn’t dead. “It isn’t loaded” was my only thought. Fighting my way out of the bathroom and into the dining area I could hear myself screaming, “Call 911” “Call 911.”

The sound of my cries or more likely the fear of prison caused four of them to immediately flee the scene. The owner of the gun knew his fate was sealed though, so he continued to fight at first. Yet reality set in and he headed for the door. The cops wouldn’t arrive soon enough to catch them, so I followed in pursuit knowing that a license plate number and escape direction would be helpful.

He turned to me and again pointed his unloaded gun and pulled the trigger. The muzzle flash and whizzing sound at my ear stopped me dead in my tracks. I turned as if in a dream and stood there as the glass cracked around the fresh bullet hole.

There is a God –This I believe.

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