Sep 15 2010

East High fails final exams

Published by at 5:20 PM under Comm 208

With summer vacation just around the corner, East High is having major control problems due to student unrest. False alarms were sounded three times last Wednesday as disgruntled students protested the suspension of five fellow classmates. The five, who had been caught smoking marijuana in the schools parking lot, each had received a weeks dismissal.

After learning that 10 upperclassmen where responsible for the false alarms, principle Laura Vibelius swiftly dealt a week suspension to each of the perpetrators involved. Additionally, a food fight broke out Tuesday closing the cafeteria and prompting Vibelius to issue a statement in which she denied seeing any continuation of these “incidents” in the near future.

One response so far

One Response to “East High fails final exams”

  1.   fuglsangon 16 Sep 2010 at 4:17 PM

    Nicely summarized. Break into paragraphs.