Sep 14 2010

I’m to Sexy for the Jets…

Published by at 3:25 AM under Weekly Journals

Hallelujah, football season is once again upon us. Unfortunately, it isn’t all good for the New York Jets. Ines Sainz has replaced the F* bombs on HBO’s “Hard Knocks/ New York Jets” as the teams number one controversy with her accusations of sexual misconduct by Jet’s coaches and players.

First and foremost, I do not condone their behave at all. Notwithstanding, I do feel that Ms. Ines, a reporter for the Mexican television station TV Azteca, should present herself as a professional if she wishes to be viewed as one.

During an interview on the Joy Behar show, Ines was quoted as saying, “…I always focus on doing my job professionally….” However, after googling Ms. Ines I found zero professional pictures of her. In fact, of the nearly 60,000 pics offered 80% are of Ms. Ines in scantily clad outfits, bikinis, or naked.

Likewise, Ms. Ines the self proclaimed, “hottest reporter in Mexico,” once even wore a wedding gown to interview Tom Brady in hopes of purposing to the Patriots quarterback.

Granted I’m all for women’s rights, but if I walked into a woman’s locker room wearing a Chip&Dales outfit I’m pretty sure no one would take me seriously. Respect is earned, not given. If you want to be taken seriously Ms. Ines, lose the hooker boots and booty shorts and try asking ESPN’s Hannah Storm for some advice.

One response so far

One Response to “I’m to Sexy for the Jets…”

  1.   Fuglsangon 17 Sep 2010 at 2:01 PM

    You know, Mr. Green, I was hoping someone would bring this up in class.

    Consider this from a student perspective: I have lots of attractive women in my classes. They don’t always dress “professionally.” So by the logic of many of Ms. Sainz’ critics, I could hit on my students and make sexually suggestive remarks, then blame it on them for not dressing properly.

    I think I’d like to live in that world.