What I Have Learned In College!

I have learned a lot in college. For example, only some teachers will be willing to help you. If you think all your teachers will be willing to help you are wrong. Some classes you will love and others you will not.I have also learned that it is ok to ask for help. You are not the only one who had trouble. And time management; wow! I have had to learn that too. It is hard, but you get used to it. What I have learned about life, is that it is not always fair. Some things will go your way and some things won’t. There is a way to look at life as an adventure. You just need to find the adventure for you. Life isn’t something you can plan it just happens. Life is a lot like college too. What I have learned about myself; well a lot. I have learned that I have to live life to the fulliest and not be the careful girl I used to be. Somethings yes, I have to be careful about. That doesn’t mean everything. I also have to find out who I want to be and make it happen. I have learned that if I want to be a good friend, helpful, outgoing, fun, and all around good person then that is what I will try to do. I found out that who I was, was not the kind of person that I wanted to be. I have to stick up for myself and also ask for help if I need it. I am also no the only one with obstacles. Everyone has them. My commandments have not changed for me. I will try my best to follow all of them. Make the best of life, look on the bright side, and don’t forget to HAVE FUN!

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