Letter to Booth

When I was reading this I did not really understnad it at first. I was like I do not know what you are really talking about. So I had to re-read it. Now I will write my letter.

Dear Booth,

   I do and do not agree with you. I agree that kids should write, but not one every week. The kids in India I feel bad for. I beleive that you should get graded on grammar and sentence structure. It also depends on how well the writing is put together. Now I know everyone is not a good writer, but there are somethings that teachers just assume when they shouldn’t. If kids need help with writing they should ask for help, however, some kids are afriad to. Writing every once in a while is good. Just not every week. It would get too frustrating. So I do agree in the sense of writing every once in a while because it helps kids get better at it. I do not agree with writing every week becasue kids will just get frustrated and will lose intrest and will stop caring.



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