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Fox implements a Delay in live coverage

Due to an incident which Fox News has been dealing with for the past few days, Fox has changed their live coverage policy in order to implement a 5 second delay on all live broadcasting.

The decision comes after the police chase over the weekend,where a man who was being chased by the police and a news helicopter got out of his car and after much deliberation shot himself in the head.  Unfortunately, this atrocious event all happened live on the news.  The news anchor could be heard, “GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!!!”, but due to what the Executive Vice President of Fox News Micheal Clemente calls “severe human error” the tragedy unfolded before the eyes of thousands of viewers.

Did Fox take the necessary precautions to prevent such an action and can this new policy of a 5 second delay really help much?

This story is most definitely news.  Its not everyday that Fox News Corporation changes their policies to accommodate a mistake that they have made.  Clemente also continued his release saying, “Mistakes happen. When they happen at Fox News, the rest of the media piles on — that’s what happens when you are a market leader.”  Aside from gaining a bit of negative popularity, Fox is going to be trendsetting with this 5 second delay drill.  The NBC, CBS, ABC, and any other news company is going to follow suit, in fear that they might relay a tragedy on their own airtime.  This event changes television and how it is viewed and produce, qualifying it to most certainly be newsworthy to the public.

~ by Jescy on .

One Response to “Fox implements a Delay in live coverage”

  1. Mistakes will happen in live coverage. I thought this was somewhat overdone, but in the future incidents could be worse and more traumatic. Delays are standard now for most events, thanks to potty-mouth celebrities.