Text Review Over “All the President’s Men”

“All the President’s Men” by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein is a journalistic classic that dives into the investigation of the Watergate break in in 1972 that led to a political melt down.

The book starts out as investigative reporting from the point of view of Woodward and Bernstein from Woodward’s report that followed the Watergate break in and eventually the stepping down of the Nixon Administration hence the title of the book.

Woodward and Bernstein were two reporters for the Washington Post that did more than pretty much anyone else at the Post or any other newspaper at the time, when it came to shedding light on the Watergate scandal and they weren’t even supposed to be the people covering it it was all a misunderstanding.

News broke that the center for the Democratic Party at the local level was broken into but it was actually at the National Democratic Party and pretty much by the time that they found out about it it was “old news”. Little did they know that would only be the beginning. This event would be the start to a dynamic reporting duo of two reporters who were not particularly fond of each other. Together they became national figures for their incredible investigative reporting over the matter.

The best thing I liked about the book was that it was written in the third person. As I was reading it it wasn’t like I was getting either of these men’s opinions or bias it was like a fly on the wall had written it about the events that actually happened. I can see how this book is so iconic when it comes to journalism and how Woodward and Bernstein became household names when it comes to reporting.

Trend Story Final

When it comes to shopping people are always trying to find the easiest and most affordable ways to keep up to date with popular trends. In the last 10 years the internet became the hot new way to find clothing without leaving the comfort of your cozy bed. Hundreds of shops and boutiques took to the world wide web to expand their products to more customers.

Shops like Shein, Romwe, and Zaful became trademark names for young men and women to find clothing that is both affordable and mimics designer brands that are otherwise unattainable. These online shops became the “go-to” for college kids.

“I started ordering from Shein and Zaful about a year and a half ago, and now that is where I go to get all my new clothes for the seasons. Tops range from $5 to $15 which are in my budget. Being 21 I don’t have a huge source of income so finding affordable ways to look good is always nice”, said senior, Sadie Meyerink.

Since 2020 hit, from COVID, to riots this year is going to be one that no one forgets. With millions of people closing up shop physically, and people staying in their homes online shopping is becoming even more of a popular and convenient trend.

There are pros and cons to using the brands listed above though. They may be affordable but people also have to settle for not super durable clothing, and the way it is made is less than ideal. Mass producing clothing has become a huge ecological problem, and there are tons of products that go unused and then are discarded.

Morningside recent graduate, Diego Marquez, recently started using more online shopping over quarantine and had this to say, “Zaful is so fun, I am able to find stuff that is unique to me and represents me for who I am. On top of that it is super cheap!”

With this quick easy market online shops there are other contributors such as pollution, and that is why it is so important to recycle, and thrift clothes when you can rather than supporting the high demand market that is mass producing these items. Although quarantine has left people stuck inside their homes and it has become more convenient to shop online for the environments sake it is good to be cautious of where you get your clothing and goods from.

Overall, these affordable shops are good and convenient in the short run but in the long hall it is better to be more environmentally cautious of what we are producing and how it is being produced.

Family Grew by 8 Little Paws

It is no secret that 2020 is going to be a year that we never forget. From COVID-19, the Presidential Election, Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ+ protests, and the countless celebrities untimely deaths this year is unlike any other.

With so much negative to share, there have been moments of joy. For me it was bringing my two cats to live with me in Sioux City. Now when quarantine first happened back in March I packed my bags and drove 3 hours home to my parents home in Belmond, Iowa where my kitten Arya was due any day with 3 adorable kittens. Arya, or mammas as we call her, popped out 3 playful baby kittens on April 1st. For the next 6 weeks of quarantine my family helped bottle feed and raise the kittens so that they could go to their forever homes in the middle of May.

When May finally rolled around, I was planning on moving back to my home in Sioux City, and my plan was to always take Arya with me but now she had 3 little creatures depending on her so the plans to move her here were on hold until all of the kittens were weened off of her.

Finally the time came and I drove the 3 hours home to pick Arya up and take her back to live with me permanently in Sioux City. Little did I know when I arrived home I would not be able to say goodbye to one of her kittens either and he would make the 3 hour journey to live with me as well. So with litter packed in the back of my car with plenty of food we drove the very long 3 hours back to Sioux City.

After arriving it took a few weeks for them to settle into their new surroundings, but with lots of love and reassurance they adjusted wonderfully and Arya and her baby, which I named Flynn Rider, were finally at their forever home.

Although since getting two cats has causes some extra stress and responsibility in my life I would not have it any other way. Here we are nearly 7 months later and I have two very sweet cuddly animals that brighten my day each and every day.

From introducing them to catnip, spoiling them with treats, to waking up each morning to a cat on either side of me it always puts me in the best of moods. Being a pet parent for the first time gave me more purpose during a year that was so depressing. So if you are living through 2020 and you don’t have a cute cuddly kitten to take away your stress, then I suggest reevaluating your decision and go out and adopt!

Flynn Rider in October 2020
Arya October 2020

Online Shopping

Within the last 5 years there as been a huge surge of people buying cheap clothing from online stores such as Romwe, Shein, Wet Seal, and Zaful. These fashion statements are taking over the world with cheap clothes and keeping up to date with the trends for the season.

With COVID there has been a huge increase in online sales and people finding ways to stay home at all costs. This has given these shops more competition though because now other brands and shops are going online and becoming more accessible for everyone. I would like to build off of these shops and talk about why they are good or bad and what other stores are learning from these shops. Last point I am looking to cover is how other businesses are learning from these store and what the future looks like for them.

My America Photography

Borat Subsequent MovieFilm Review

The new Sacha Baron Cohen film, “Borat Subsequent MovieFilm”, can only be described as a comedic gold mine. The new adventures of Kazakhstani’s hilarious, fearless reporter Borat Sagdiyev will have you spitting out food and spilling your drink out of your nose from laughing so hard.

If I had to describe this film in one word it would have to be “risque” and in some parts just plain out risky. The film is filled with jokes that cross every moral line out there and redefine investigative journalism in the most absurd and hilarious way possible. Even the jokes and skits that do not land, and leave the audience cringing covering their face with their hands still fit the outlandish persona of Borat and makes you want to peak through your fingers to see what happens next.

The story begins with Borat being released from prison after 14 years for crimes that he had committed in his previous film, “Borat: Cultural Learnings of American to Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan.” Borat was blamed for his country’s financial and political downfall, and was given a chance to redeem himself by going back to the United States on a special investigative mission. Without giving too much away it involves, a prized monkey and offering his own daughter, Tutar, to Mike Pence as a gift to mend the bridge between Kazakhstan and the United States. Tutar has lived in captivity her whole life and to put it nicely is very wild and homely (The film plays on the idea that that is how Melania was born and raised as well). With a make over and some potential plastic surgery, Tutar gets transformed and her and her father set out to find Mike Pence, and get introduced to some interesting characters along the way. From a UPS worker to Rudy Giuliani the film documents a wide variety of Americans during the chaotic year of 2020.

Director, Jason Woliner, does a fantastic job at showing Borat as the film’s hero. The most ironic and arguably the most funny part of the movie is making Borat out to be a depraved, narcissistic idiot whose flaws and views mirror his clueless targets’ throughout the film so closely that they don’t realize they’re being made fun of.

Just like the first movie, this Borat film is full of provocative, degrading, offensive, and filthy humor. If you are looking for a comedic safe movie this is not the film for you. Throughout the entirety of the film I was either laughing my ass off or slipping into depression because it made me more aware of what a shit hole country America truly has become. Overall, it was exactly what I expected out of a Borat film, and is definitely a movie I would watch again.

Review Over “Dead Poets Society”

It is a brisk fall day in the state of Vermont where one of the most prominent boarding schools in the United States is getting ready to get back to the classroom. Surrounded by strict conservative viewing men and families one teacher teaches his students to be vulnerable, to love, and to open their eyes to the world around them. This is the masterpiece that is the “Dead Poets Society”.

Making it’s debut in 1989 this dramatic film is one of late Robin Williams best films to date. It plays on a tale of a motivational new teacher, John Keating, which Williams plays, at Welton Academy. A teacher that pushes the boundaries for his students, and teaches them to be compassionate. This teachers actions from teaching the students Witman, to having them stand on top of their desks for an exercise, he encourages them to “make your lives spectacular.” But rarest of all in this uptight, conservative, strict, environment, he becomes a valued friend. A friend that would change the kids’ lives forever.

Although Keating makes connections with the kids it is not the case for his colleagues and supervisors. According to his superiors at the boarding school he is too soft, too chaotic. He is seen as a troublemaker for pushing the severely outdated boundaries at the fictional school of Welton Academy. The school wants him to teach his English class how they should think, but of course William’s character does the opposite which ultimately gets him into some trouble without going into too much detail.

Overall, “Dead Poets Society” is a telling coming of age tale for several young boys all thanks to a compassionate passionate teacher that was willing to take a chance on them. It was beautifully composed and plays to each and every person who watches it. It is full of drama, love, heartache, sorrow, and of course laughter. This is a must see film that will remain relevant for years to come.

Review Comparison

 Headline of Review Newspaper or Website Name Date Published 

1. Dead Poets Society | https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/dead-poets-society-1989 | June 9, 1989

2. `DEAD POETS SOCIETY` IS REFRESHER COURSE IN DRAMA | https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-1989-06-09-8902080016-story.html | June 9, 1989

3. ‘Dead Poets Society’ seizes the day: 1989 review | https://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/movies/dead-poets-society-seize-day-1989-review-article-1.2655911 |June 2, 1989

A. How do the leads differ? Which is the best and why? 

Two out of the three leads seem to be leaning in a more positive way about the film yet one of them goes in a more negative direction regarding the film and the acting portrayed by Robin Williams. I feel the best lead out of the three critics I picked would have to be the Chicago Tribune review over the film.

B. How do the reviewers give their opinion in the lead? Which is the most clever or entertaining? Why? 

The way the reviewers give their opinions in their posts are by using specific adjectives describing the film. For example, the first review I read by Roger Ebert said words such as “pious platitudes masquerading as a courageous stand in favor of something”, “I was so moved, I wanted to throw up”, or when the Chicago Tribune said, “Our Flick of the Week is ”Dead Poets Society,” a refreshing if obvious drama amid a summer of frivolous filmed entertainments”. I think the most entertaining way to show how they felt was when Ebert said, “I was so moved, I wanted to throw up.” I thought it was witty, funny, and relatable for how I personally felt after watching the film as well.

C. In the body of each review, what type of support do they use? Examples from film? Comparisons to other works, etc? Give one specific example from each review. 

For this film all the reviews talked about Robin Williams and his take on his main character in the movie and how it was better or worse than his other performances in his previous movies.

a. Review 1: “For much of the time, Williams does a good job of playing an intelligent, quick-witted, well-read young man.” Roger Ebert

b. Review 2: “Director Peter Weir’s “Dead Poets Society” is a truly lovely movie about seven boys coming of age in a world about to be thrown into social and emotional upheaval. ” New York Daily News

c. Review 3: “Director Peter Weir keeps Williams from running away with the movie, and the film works as well when he is off-screen as on.” Chicago Tribune

D. Which review does the best job with support, and why? 

I believe the best review is actually the one that goes directly against my views of the film. It was the review written by Roger Ebert, this review pretty much is the opposite of what I thought the movie was. This is my favorite movie of all time but this review did have the most support, and had the best wording and information to support his claim compared to the other articles in my opinion.

E. How does each review conclude his or her piece? 

a. Review 1: “Dead Poets Society” is not the worst of the countless recent movies about good kids and hidebound, authoritarian older people. It may, however, be the most shameless in its attempt to pander to an adolescent audience.”

b. Review 2: “”Dead Poets Society” doesn’t have the action sequences or special effects that seem to insure summertime blockbuster success.”

c. Review 3: “The Williams character created it when he was a student and it is his gift to the current class and to all young people watching the film.”

F. Overall, which did you find most helpful, and why? 

Overall, I thought the Chicago tribune piece was more informative rather than reviewing the piece itself. Then there is the Roger Ebert review, it was a little harsh, and in some parts too opinionated in my opinion of an extraordinary film, but I guess that is my opinion getting the best of me. In fact I think he probably did the best job in honestly reviewing the film even though it may steer people away from viewing it. Then the New York Daily News piece did a fine job in talking about the film but it was pretty bland, it was more informative and focused on Robin Williams work in the film rather than the film in the entirety. At the same time I hold stronger connections with their assessment compared to the other two reviews though.

Greek Life on College Campuses

It’s in every college movie, it’s talked about on nearly every college campus in the United States, it is Greek life. Growing up people are constantly exposed to Greek life through film, whether it be Elle Woods in Delta Nu’s sorority in Legally Blonde, or jocks in typical frats in basically every 90’s film ever people are exposed to Greek life and a glorified version of what to expect when entering the college scene. From extreme booze and parties to huge slumber parties filled with pillow fights and initiations how these sororities and fraternities are portrayed on the screen look much different than how they are in real life.

Greek life on college campuses date all the way back to the late 1700’s and since then thousands of campuses have adapted to it. Now there are huge differences in what Greek culture will look like on a small campus like Morningside College, compared to a larger University like Iowa State. Regardless of how big or small the presence is, the impact and lifelong brother and sisterhoods are very present.

On Morningside’s campus Greek life isn’t as present as it used to be, but it is still very much a part of the campus cultures just in different ways. Some of the largest Greek groups on the Mustang’s campus include AOP which is the largest sorority on campus, APO, a nationally recognized theatre honor society, and Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, the largest men’s music fraternity in the country. There are a handful of other groups present on campus but these are some of the more active ones. Although these groups do not have huge houses, or hundreds of people pledging to them a year they find unique ways to stay alive and recruit to the Morningside student body.

Morningside graduate, Madison Schueth, was a part of AOP throughout her 4 years as a Mustang, and even though she has been graduated nearly a year, it still has a significant impact in her life.

“When I came to Morningside as a freshman I just wanted to find a place to fit in, when I heard of AOP I did not know what to expect, but it turned out to be the best decision I made while at Morningside. I was introduced to so many girls that would later become my sisters. Then in my later years being able to share that experience with the new freshman, and become a ‘big sister’ to them was amazing.” Schueth said.

Since graduating, Madison continues to be connected to her pledge sisters through lunch dates, social media, and sleep overs.

APO is a Theatre Honor Society on Morningside’s campus that focuses on raises awareness and funds for the Morningside Theatre Department. Every year the group puts on several fundraisers that help the Arts budget at the college grow as well as sponsor trips for aspiring Mustang actors to attend conferences and conventions for the arts. Morningside senior, Jared Kamrath, has been a part of APO since his sophomore year at Morningside, and last year acted as the President of the group.

“APO allows kids that are like me to branch out and express themselves. It is no secret that the arts are dying not only on Morningside’s campus but all over and I feel being a proud member of APO I am doing my part in bringing theatre back to life.” Kamrath stated.

APO hosts monthly meetings for all the members to attend, and are also in charge of all theatrical events on campus whether that be a play, opera, musical, or special event. This Greek group is always working to make the theatre scene not only at Morningside but throughout all Siouxland grow.

Another very active group, and potentially the largest Greek fraternity on campus is Sinfonia. This group is exclusively men, and invite men interested in music to join. The group hosts weekly meetings and song rehearsals where they talk about their experiences that week, how music impacted them, and anything else they feel needs light shed on it.

“I was a part of Sinfonia all 4 years while attending Morningside, and my senior year was president of the organization. To this day I am still a part of group chats, conference calls, and still occasionally attend song rehearsals or one of our weekly meetings. I feel that this organization is a great way for people to get support, and it truly is like a family. I consider each and every member a brother of mine, and in my time as a Mustang Sinfonian we had the opportunity to go to the National Sinfonian convention in New Orleans where we met even more brothers of the fraternity that share the same values, support, and love for music. It is a great organization, and I am hopeful to remain active in it as long as I am still practicing music”, said Morningside 2019 graduate, Dylan Root.

Now, even though Greek life has smaller numbers on Morningside campus, it still is a big and impactful part of many Mustang’s lives. Looking from the opposing side though, Iowa State senior, Zack Leist, who is a part of AGR, an agriculture fraternity had a much different experience with Greek culture on his campus.

“I joined AGR after my freshman year at ISU to find some stability in my studies and to find men that shared my same passions and goals for bettering agriculture. As an AgBusiness major I thought it was the perfect fit. This was so much more than what the movies led on though” Leist joked, “I lived in a massive house with over 100 other guys, there were 4 other people in my room with me, and the house was always a mess.”

Although it was much larger and crazier than he expected, Zack said he has made connections and friendships that will follow him long after his adventure is over as a Cyclone. Through AGR, Leist was able to prosper in the Agriculture and Business department at ISU and even become a part of the Board of Regents for the State of Iowa as a student representative for all colleges and universities in the state of Iowa. Zack claims is successes so far are all thanks to AGR surrounding him with brothers that pushed him to be a better version of himself.

Whether big or small, Greek life on college campuses is a great way to ‘get out there’, and after speaking with countless people part of organizations big and small one thing was consistent in their answers of what they love about Greek life and that was, the support of their fellow members.

Greek Life: College Culture Sketch

Whether you go to a private college, a religious college, or a state school you know what Greek life is. Entering college your freshman year, freshman are bombarded by emails, activity fairs, and letters recommending and talking about the pros of joining a fraternity or a sorority. There are different levels of extremes when it comes to Greek Cultures on college campuses.

For example, state schools like the University of Iowa, Minnesota State University, and the University of Auburn to name a few, have huge Greek festivals, housing for specific sorority and frats. Then there are smaller private schools such as Morningside College, that have a Greek presence but it is not as excessive as other schools. There are meetings and ways to join a group you are interested in but there are no houses used specifically for the different Greek Groups. There are pledges, activities, yearly dues, and meetings though.

Greek life isn’t something that leaves you once you graduate either, this is something that sticks with you long after college is over. The group of men or women you pledge with become your sisters/brothers for a life time, and there are even ways to get involved long after you walk across the stage with a diploma in hand.

(want to talk about the different ways how that effects their lives, which sororities are more extreme which fraternity is more extreme and what groups we have available on Morningside’s campus.