Alex Waters – “Living the dream: just not the one I imagined”

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As Alex hovers around the room; anyone can see his energy that brings everyone up even in a bad day. How does he do it? “attitude of gratitude” stated Waters. He explained how lucky everyone should feel just to be alive. That is the source of his motivation. Even after an accident like his, there’s always a source of motivation.

Back in 2004 Alex was a freshman playing golf for Morningside College.  During his first semester he suffered an accident after diving into  18 inch deep water. He snapped his neck; leaving him confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

After months in the hospital his journey to rehabilitation was a difficult one. As Alex said ” probably the lowest point of my life” When he realized he couldn’t put on a shirt by himself.  Every single time he would fall into the physician’s arms. For Alex this was a turning point. His life changed completely and so did he.

As he explained; he was not  reaching for personal development before the accident (calling himself a selfish young man). He stated ” I was only focused in three things: golf, money, girls! and not necessarily in that order”.

Nowadays Alex is one of Morningside’s first year student advisors. His job is to guide students during their first year in college. The new source of his motivation. Now he looks to every single one of his advisees as his own children: he goes to their games, celebrates when they get awards, and even tears up out of pride for them.

He even sees himself in some students (before the accident) as he calls the “difficult students”. He wants to make a difference and wants to help every student with their starting point for a hopefully successful college career. So whenever he deals with the “difficult students” he says to them “I had to break my spine to change, I don’t want you to go through that”.

Now everyday for Alex is a busy quest for moving forward. to improve himself and others, make a change, and to give back. he takes advantage of every hour in the day and always gives his students a great advice ” Netflix is fun but you could be changing something… or at the very least studying!



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