Emma Watson Speech

November 7, 2017 | | Comments Off on Emma Watson Speech

Emma Watson is a British actress and activist, doing women’s rights work. Watson speaks at the UK-based charity One Young World’s annual event in Canada where young leaders are all brought together to create positive change. Watson made a speech on her HeForShe campaign, which was launched two years prior in 2014. You could tell she was speaking from her heart and was really passionate about the subject. She spoke about how after she launched HeforShe, she experienced both highs and lows that she never dreamed she’d face as an activist. Watson goes on to speak about the “community” of people that make up HeForShe, “Apart from the significant progress the world has made in the cause for equality, the best thing about the last two years has been this… finding people from such disparate experiences and communities that I found that I have something in common with. This is a community of artists, spiritual teachers, dreamers, thinkers, doers who work together and support each other”.(Watson) She goes on to talk about the strength of all the people involved and how important equality is. “We all have feminine and masculine energies within us and both forces need to be lifted up!”(Watson) Emma Watson concludes her speech by making seven statements and about how they affect her and inspire her as a person.


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