Scavenger Hunt


Interviewing student about their personal secrets was already a hard barrier to break but asking for pocket lint gave them a bit a curiosity as to what this interview was really all about.

Hailey Irwin and Oscar Olveraz are both students at Morningside that were interviewed. When Asked about there secrets and to have their pocket lint both had similar reaction. Hailey was stunned when asked about her pocket lint. There was a silence of awkwardness when asked but she proceeded and did not have any. “Thats a little odd to ask” she stated. Oscar had a similar reaction. Stating, “That question is weird and awkward. but proceeded to dig through his pockets yet to find pocket lint.

When asked about their secrets both were hesitant to say what they were thinking but eventually told. Hailey’s secret was that she is a very picky eater. “I only like certain foods and my food can never touch.” Oscar had a different answer. “I like running at 1 in the morning, I enjoy the. quiet of the streets, Less cars less people, it really gives me time to think.” both students have their own secrets but when asked about pocket lint both were caught off guard by the question.