Kurt Vonnegut

Kurt Vonnegut is a very random man. He threw a lot of off subjects sayings or stories that really didn’t relate to anything. Kurt explains how he is a very pessimistic person, and he explains why he is and how he became a pessimist. Vonnegut also talks about Socialism, he wants that United States to transfer over to this instead of Democracy.

I especially liked Vonnegut’s ideas on people being in the center of the universe. If we were all in the center than I believe everyone would be treated equally because our traits would be no better than anyone else.

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Fractals: The Beauty of Math.

Fractals are a part of our everyday life. They are involved in medical and in the natural world. (Including many other parts also.) Fractals are used to find out patterns in nature, and it helps us realize that things in nature actually have a pattern and they aren’t just random. In the medical world these fractals are helping researchers find out more about tumors. In my opinion, this could help lead to a cure for cancer maybe or some other enormous leap in the medical world. I agree that math can be a lot more beautiful than people think. I personally appreciate math a lot more than I used to since it has never been my favorite subject.

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Honor’s Reading: What’s Manly?

In this article on ESPN, some men were discriminated for doing things that women would normally do. For example, Mark Sanchez is criticized for doing fashion shoots because he is a good looking man. One of the players for the San Francisco Giants was criticized for leaving during tournament time to go be with his wife as she was having a child.

I disagree with the people who were criticizing these men, I mean the fashion shoots are a little over board, but these athletes are just using their looks to their advantage. I completely disagree with the fact that the baseball player was criticized. I think a man should be able to leave a game due to issues in the family no matter what. These articles were pretty sexist in my opinion.

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Honor’s Summary for Cicero

I believe that Cicero was trying to get the point across that being able to be a good speaker can get someone really far. He talks about a man that can come to great power and become a leader because of being able to speak well. I agree with Cicero, the way a person speaks and carries them self in front of a crowd can determine how well he can lead a country. It really doesn’t matter a persons background if he can speak well and he can get people to listen and follow him. This has nothing to do with Cicero, but Martin Luther King Jr. could speak very well and was a fantastic leader because he knew what to address and how to get his people to listen to him. Cicero knows how to explain what it takes to become a great leader.

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