Nov 10 2010

Changes and Answers

Posted at 2:09 am under Uncategorized

I would say that some of my expectations have been met and exceeded while there are still some that I have yet to achieve that have maybe been altered a bit. My biggest realization is that that I have grown up a lot as a person and I have met new people that I consider really good friends. I have also realized that going to Morningside for college was truly a good decision for me even if it is quite a long ways from home. But I also set a few long term goals that I will continue to reach for and hope to attain in the next four years. As far as answering the questions I asked in the earlier blog a lot of those are yet to be determined. I think that since Ihave been here not even one full semester many of my questions will need further examination and figuring out. But so far I am happy with where I am and can’t wait for new situations and experiences coming my way.

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