Pit Bull Blues: Looks Don’t Mean Everything

Again and again the Pit Bull faces many different kinds of criticism. This breed has often been used in dog fighting and because of their stocky build and powerful muscles they are deemed dangerous. Society has managed to only want to look at this dog in one light and that is negative.

Pit Bull owners are also facing the challenge of being judged because they own them. Some landlords will not let people with Pits rent out their property. This is clearly discrimination that would probably not arise if say the person owned a Lab or a Bulldog. Read more about Pit Bulls and how they are still being viewed here.

I enjoyed this article and I don’t really think I would change anything. My parents owned a Pit Bull and a Pit mix when I was really young and they never had any issues with them. I do believe that most of the time a mean dog comes from a mean owner. I actually can say that I have never met a mean Pit Bull. I am a delivery driver and I delivered to the same house out in the country and they owned a Pit Bull. If any other delivery driver saw that dog they would be worried about leaving the car. I never did and Lola, the Pit Bull, was just a sweet dog that wanted my food and my love. It is funny how society is still so wrapped up in the breed when they should be looking at the dog’s owner. That is where the problem really lies.


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